2Advanced v5.0 Attractor
The newest version of 2Advanced is now online. For those of you who are not familiar with 2Advanced, where have you been for the past 5 years or so. 2Advanced is the creation of Eric Jordan, Eric's first version of 2Advanced breathed new life into the flash community and set the bar for design and interactivity. Each subseqent version brought new innovations in programming and design.
I continually find myself returning to 2Advanced. The company portfolio has continued to grow, showcasing a wide range of design and interactivity. I was very surprised, and pleased, to find that the new site also has an 'official blog'. I'm especially looking forward to the day the tutorial section of the blog goes live. As far as I know the only tutorial I have ever seen by Eric Jordan as in the first Masters of Flash book. I can't wait to see what 2Advanced has to teach us.
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