Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Silo in Lincolnton, NC

Here is another silo we saw during our drive.

Silos in Lincolnton, NC

A few weeks back we decided to go for a ride down some of the country roads in our area. On a whim we each grabbed our cameras hoping that we might snap a few cool pictures. We've had this idea of mounting some black and white pictures on the walls in our bedroom and thought, rather than buying a print, why not our own. After all, we are graphic designers.

So, off we went, heading west on 73 towards Lincolnton. The history of Lincolnton is long and interesting. In 1785 the town was established as the county seat of Lincoln County. In the 1800s the area became known for it's textile and iron mills. Historical markers popped up every couple of miles, reminders of people and events of long ago.

If you drive past Lincolnton, the roadside began to seem just a little more country-ish. Houses had more space between them. Fields and livestock appeared. Then we saw it. A silo on the side of the road. It looked like it had been there for decades. The tree growing out of the top seemed to attest to it's age.

From now on, whenever we decide to go on a long ride. Our cameras will be with us

This is the original picture

This is the picture after being edited in photoshop

Does anyone else know of some great photo ops around the Lincolnton area?

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